Sunday, February 17, 2019

Week 55

Hello Friends and Family,

There has been a lot of snow popping up here in Hermiston and the Tri-Cities. There has been enough to get us all locked up in our apartments. As a result, we have been banned from driving...well, every once and a while. It's fun because apparently this is way more snow than Hermiston usually gets. Normally, it's a really mild winter with maybe one decent snowfall. Not this year! As a result, we've been walking and shoveling a lot of driveways. That has been fun. It takes me back to my days in West Richland, being a walking area and such.

The shoveling has had a bit of an impact on me though. My sore back has been a problem for a while now, and shoveling hasn't done me any favors. The Mission Nurse has joked about locking me up in a straightjacket and leaving me in a corner one of these days. I don't blame them, it's kinda part of my nature to get hurt a lot.

Since we've been walking and shoveling a lot, not a lot has happened as far as teaching this week. We started teaching the younger sister of a returned missionary that is unbaptized. We got in and had a lesson with them at the home of some members. They're awesome.

Hopefully the weather will lighten up this next week and we can get out working some more.

Thanks for the prayers and support. The Gospel is true.

Elder Rexinger

Elder Skinner and I in Hermiston.

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